Current PhD students
Current Post Doctoral Researchers
M. Yoko
(MEng Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch (S. Africa))
March 2024 -
Bayesian data assimilation in Thermoacoustics
March 2024 -
Bayesian data assimilation in Thermoacoustics
Journal Papers
Generating a physics-based quantitatively-accurate model of an electrically-heated Rijke tube with Bayesian inference, Journal of Sound and Vibration 535Adjoint-accelerated Bayesian inference applied to the thermoacoustic behaviour of a ducted conical flame, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 985
Optimal experiment design with adjoint-accelerated Bayesian inference, Data-Centric Engineering 5
Bayesian data assimilation in cold flow experiments on an industrial thermoacoustic rig, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Inferring flame transfer functions of turbulent conical flames from pressure measurements, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Selected conference proceedings
Data Assimilation with Laplace's Method in ThermoacousticsBayesian Data Assimilation in Cold Flow Experiments on an Industrial Thermoacoustic rig
Inferring flame transfer functions of turbulent conical flames from pressure measurements
A. Kontogiannis (EPSRC NFFDy Fellow)
(MSc University of Patras; Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
October 2023 -
Adjoint-based Data Assimilation for Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry
October 2023 -
Adjoint-based Data Assimilation for Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry
Journal Papers
Joint reconstruction and segmentation of noisy velocity images as an inverse Navier–Stokes problem, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 944Physics-informed compressed sensing for PC-MRI: an inverse Navier-Stokes problem, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32
Bayesian inverse Navier-Stokes problems: joint flow field reconstruction and parameter learning, Inverse Problems 41
PhD thesis
Inverse problems in fluid dynamics for magnetic resonance velocimetryCurrent Visitors
Past members
E. Ekici
(MEng Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham)
January 2021 - Nov 2024
Shape optimization for thermoacoustic stability of combustors
January 2021 - Nov 2024
Shape optimization for thermoacoustic stability of combustors
Journal Papers
Shape sensitivity of thermoacoustic oscillations in an annular combustor with a 3D adjoint Helmholtz solver, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418(B)Shape Optimization of an Industrial Aeroengine Combustor to reduce Thermoacoustic Instability, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
helmholtz-x : Parallelized Adjoint Open Source Solver for the Thermoacoustic Helmholtz Equation, Engineering with Computers
Selected conference proceedings
Real-time parameter inference of nonlinear bluff-body-stabilized flame models using Bayesian Neural Network EnsemblesAdjoint based shape optimization for thermoacoustic stability of combustors using free form deformation
M. Croci
(MEng from University of Cambridge)
October 2018 - September 2022
Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Thermoacoustics
October 2018 - September 2022
Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Thermoacoustics
Journal Papers
Data Assimilation using Heteroscedastic Bayesian Neural Network Ensembles for Reduced-Order Flame Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational ScienceSelected conference proceedings
Real-time parameter inference of nonlinear bluff-body-stabilized flame models using Bayesian neural network ensemblesOnline parameter inference for the simulation of a Bunsen flame using heteroscedastic Bayesiean Neural Network ensembles
U. Sengupta
(MSc from RWTH Aachen and BSc from IIT Kharagpur)
October 2018 - September 2022
Data-driven machine learning for thermoacoustic instability (Supervised by Carl Rasmussen)
October 2018 - September 2022
Data-driven machine learning for thermoacoustic instability (Supervised by Carl Rasmussen)
Journal Papers
Ensembling geophysical models with Bayesian Neural Networks, NEURIPSBayesian Machine Learning for the Prognosis of Combustion Instabilities from Noise, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143
Early Detection of Thermoacoustic Instabilities in a Cryogenic Rocket Thrust Chamber using Combustion Noise Features and Machine Learning, Chaos 31
Reducing Uncertainty in the Onset of Combustion Instabilities Using Dynamic Pressure Information and Bayesian Neural Networks, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 144
Data Assimilation using Heteroscedastic Bayesian Neural Network Ensembles for Reduced-Order Flame Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science
Thermoacoustic stabilization of combustors with adjoint models and gradient-augmented Bayesian optimization, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics (accepted)
Physics-informed Deep Learning for Simultaneous Surrogate Modelling and PDE-constrained Optimization, Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 411
Forecasting Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines Using Multimodal Bayesian Deep Learning, Int. J. Spray Comb. Dynamics 14
S. Falco
(University of Salerno)
Jan 2018 - Sep 2021
Adjoint sensitivity analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations in annular combustors
Jan 2018 - Sep 2021
Adjoint sensitivity analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations in annular combustors
Journal Papers
Shape Optimization of Thermoacoustic Systems Using a 2D Adjoint Helmholtz Solver, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143Shape sensitivity of thermoacoustic oscillations in an annular combustor with a 3D adjoint Helmholtz solver, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418(B)
H. Yu
(RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Oct 2016 - Sept 2020
Data Assimilation in Thermoacoustics
Oct 2016 - Sept 2020
Data Assimilation in Thermoacoustics
Journal Papers
Data Assimilation and Optimal Calibration in Nonlinear Models of Flame Dynamics, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and PowerCombined state and parameter estimation in level-set methods, Journal of Computational Physics 399
A data-driven kinematic model of a ducted premixed flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38
Bayesian Machine Learning for the Prognosis of Combustion Instabilities from Noise, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143
Selected conference proceedings
Physics-informed data-driven prediction of premixed flame dynamics with data assimilationPhD thesis
Inverse problems in thermoacoustics
J. Aguilar
(Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Sup, Mexico)
Jan 2015 - June 2018
Adjoint sensitivity analysis of thermoacoustic network models
Jan 2015 - June 2018
Adjoint sensitivity analysis of thermoacoustic network models
Journal Papers
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of low-order thermoacoustic networks using a wave-based approach, Journal of Computational Physics 341Thermoacoustic stabilization of a longitudinal combustor using adjoint methods, Physical Review Fluids 5
Selected conference proceedings
Shape optimization in low-order thermoacoustic networksAdjoint methods for elimination of thermoacoustic oscillations in a model annular combustor via small geometry modifications
PhD thesis
Sensitivity analysis and optimization in low order thermoacoustic models
N. Jamieson
(University of New South Wales, Australia)
Oct 2014 - Nov 2017
Experimental sensitivity analysis in thermo-acoustics
Oct 2014 - Nov 2017
Experimental sensitivity analysis in thermo-acoustics
Journal Papers
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 787Experimental sensitivity analysis via a secondary heat source in an oscillating thermoacoustic system, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 9
Experimental sensitivity analysis of a linearly stable thermoacoustic system via a pulsed forcing technique, Experiments in Fluids 58
Selected conference proceedings
Experimental sensitivity analysis and the equivalence of pulsed forcing and feedback control in thermoacoustic systemsPhD thesis
Experimental Sensitivity Analysis and Control of Thermoacoustic Systems in the Linear Regime
A. Orchini
(University of Genoa, Italy)
Jan 2013 - Sept 2016
Modelling and analysis of thermoacoustic systems
Jan 2013 - Sept 2016
Modelling and analysis of thermoacoustic systems
Journal Papers
Frequency domain and time domain analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations with wave-based acoustics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775Linear stability and adjoint sensitivity analysis of thermoacoustic networks with premixed flames, Combustion and Flame 165
Flame double input describing function analysis, Combustion and Flame 171
Weakly nonlinear analysis of thermoacoustic bifurcations in the Rijke tube, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 805
Selected conference proceedings
G-equation modelling of thermo-acoustic oscillations of partially-premixed flamesPhD thesis
Modelling and analysis of nonlinear thermoacoustic systems using frequency and time domain methods
L. Magri
(University of Padua, Italy)
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis in linear thermoacoustics
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis in linear thermoacoustics
Movies of conference presentations
Passive control and sensitivity analysis of thermo-acoustic systems via adjoint equationsJournal Papers
Sensitivity analysis of a time-delayed thermoacoustic system via an adjoint-based approach, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 719A theoretical approach for passive control of thermoacoustic oscillations: application to ducted flames, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135
Non-normality in combustion-acoustic interaction in diffusion flames: a critical revision, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733
Global modes, receptivity, and sensitivity analysis of diffusion flames coupled with duct acoustics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 752
Adjoint-based linear analysis in reduced order thermo-acoustic models, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 6
Stability analysis of thermoacoustic nonlinear eigenproblems in annular combustors. Part 1: sensitivity, Journal of Computational Physics 325
Stability analysis of thermoacoustic nonlinear eigenproblems in annular combustors. Part 2: Uncertainty Quantification, Journal of Computational Physics 325
Multiple-scale thermo-acoustic stability analysis of a coaxial jet combustor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of low-order thermoacoustic networks using a wave-based approach, Journal of Computational Physics 341
Data Assimilation and Optimal Calibration in Nonlinear Models of Flame Dynamics, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Combined state and parameter estimation in level-set methods, Journal of Computational Physics 399
Sensitivity of the Rayleigh criterion in thermoacoustics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids 882
A data-driven kinematic model of a ducted premixed flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38
PhD thesis
Adjoint methods in thermo-acoustic and combustion instability
G. Ghirardo
(University of Udine, Italy)
Nonlinear thermo-acoustics in axisymmetric combustors
Nonlinear thermo-acoustics in axisymmetric combustors
Journal Papers
Azimuthal instabilities in annular combustors: standing and spinning modes, Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 469State-space realization of a describing function, Nonlinear Dynamics 82
Weakly nonlinear analysis of thermoacoustic instabilities in annular combustors, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 805
The effect of the flame phase on thermoacoustic instabilities, Combustion and Flame 187
PhD thesis
Nonlinear analysis of thermoacoustic modes in axisymmetric annular combustors
O. Tammisola
(PhD at KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
Aug 2011 - July 2014
Linear stability analysis in turbulent flows with complex geometry
Aug 2011 - July 2014
Linear stability analysis in turbulent flows with complex geometry
Journal Papers
The local and global stability of confined planar wakes at intermediate Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 686The planar X-junction flow: stability analysis and control, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 753
Second-order perturbation of global modes and implications for spanwise wavy actuation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 755
Breaking axi-symmetry in stenotic flow lowers the critical transition Reynolds number, Physics of Fluids 27
Coherent structures in a swirl injector at Re = 4800 by nonlinear simulations and linear global modes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792
Multiple-scale thermo-acoustic stability analysis of a coaxial jet combustor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36
Selected conference proceedings
G-equation modelling of thermo-acoustic oscillations of partially-premixed flames
K. Kashinath
(IIT Madras, India)
Nonlinear thermo-acoustics
Nonlinear thermo-acoustics
Movies of conference presentations
The nonlinear behaviour of a ducted premixed flame (a numerical study)Journal Papers
Nonlinear phenomena in thermoacoustic systems with premixed flames, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135Nonlinear thermoacoustics of ducted premixed flames: the influence of perturbation convective speed, Combustion and Flame 160
Matrix-free continuation of limit cycles and their bifurcations for a ducted premixed flame, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759
Nonlinear self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations of a ducted premixed flame: bifurcations and routes to chaos, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 761
PhD thesis
Nonlinear thermoacoustic oscillations of a ducted premixed laminar flame
S. Illingworth
(University of Bristol, PhD at Cambridge)
State space approach to thermo-acoustics
State space approach to thermo-acoustics
Journal Papers
Finding thermoacoustic limit cycles for a ducted Burke-Schumann flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34Matrix-free continuation for bifurcation analysis of large thermoacoustic systems, Journal of Computational Physics 240
Frequency domain and time domain analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations with wave-based acoustics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775
Linear-model-based estimation in wall turbulence: improved stochastic forcing and eddy viscosity terms, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 925
Selected conference proceedings
When will a flame describing function approach to thermoacoustics work well?Acoustic state-space models using a wave-based approach
U. Qadri
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Oct 2009 - Mar 2013
Global stability and control of swirling jets and flames
Oct 2009 - Mar 2013
Global stability and control of swirling jets and flames
Journal Papers
Structural sensitivity of spiral vortex breakdown, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 720Self-sustained hydrodynamic oscillations in lifted jet diffusion flames: Origin and control, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775
Passive control of global instability in low-density jets, European Journal of Mechanics B 72
Global modes of viscous heated jets with real gas effects, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 936
Selected conference proceedings
A theoretical approach to passive control of vortex breakdownPhD thesis
Global stability and control of swirling jets and flames
I. Waugh
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Oct 2009 - Mar 2013
Continuation methods for nonlinear thermoacoustic systems
Oct 2009 - Mar 2013
Continuation methods for nonlinear thermoacoustic systems
Movies of conference presentations
The nonlinear behaviour of a ducted premixed flame (a numerical study)Journal Papers
Triggering, bypass transition and the effect of noise on a linearly stable thermoacoustic system, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33Triggering in a thermoacoustic system with stochastic noise, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 3
Finding thermoacoustic limit cycles for a ducted Burke-Schumann flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34
Matrix-free continuation for bifurcation analysis of large thermoacoustic systems, Journal of Computational Physics 240
Matrix-free continuation of limit cycles and their bifurcations for a ducted premixed flame, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759
Nonlinear self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations of a ducted premixed flame: bifurcations and routes to chaos, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 761
PhD thesis
Methods for analysis of nonlinear thermoacoustic systems
L. Li
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Oct 2006 - Aug 2014
Forcing of globally unstable jets and flames
Oct 2006 - Aug 2014
Forcing of globally unstable jets and flames
Movies of conference presentations
Forcing of self-excited round jet diffusion flamesJournal Papers
Forcing of self-excited round jet diffusion flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32Applications of the dynamic mode decomposition, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 25
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in hydrodynamically self-excited flames: experiments and modelling, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 726
Phase trapping and slipping in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 735
Nonlinear dynamics of a self-excited thermoacoustic system subjected to acoustic forcing, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35
Nonlinear hydrodynamic and thermoacoustic oscillations of a bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flame, Combustion Theory and Modelling 20
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 787
PhD thesis
Forcing of globally unstable jets and flames
G. Chandler
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Oct 2006 - Mar 2010
Sensitivity analysis of low density jets and flames
Oct 2006 - Mar 2010
Sensitivity analysis of low density jets and flames
Journal Papers
Adjoint algorithms for the Navier-Stokes equations in the Low Mach Number limit, Journal of Computational Physics 231Self-sustained hydrodynamic oscillations in lifted jet diffusion flames: Origin and control, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775
PhD thesis
Sensitivity analysis of low density jets and flames
S. Rees
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Oct 2005 - Mar 2009
Hydrodynamic instability of confined jets and wakes
Oct 2005 - Mar 2009
Hydrodynamic instability of confined jets and wakes
Journal Papers
The effect of surface tension on the stability of unconfined and confined planar jets and wakes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 633The effect of confinement on the stability of viscous planar jets and wakes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656